Welcome to this Artist’s version of a church, a little thing I like to call;
“The Church of the Golden Brush”
A Sanctuary of spirit, energy, and self
and our safe place in this universe where we are all equal and free to communicate with our creative nature’s,
as well as heal and nurture our spirits without all of the mumbo jumbo, mixed messages and out and out confusion of ancient and not so ancient religions.
I am an artist, as well as a minister, a Theosophist, Philosopher, writer, sailor, boat builder, dog trainer and performer; well, that’s a different story.
I was born here in the U.S. and went to kindergarten in Sausalito, in ’58 we went to Europe and then Australia for a total absence of about 18 years, :- consequently I did my schooling in four different countries, and when I came back to San Francisco in ’76
I got a taste of the culture shock this country presented to me upon arrival, such as it was during those times.
I was ordained over 20 years ago,
at the Church of Divine Man in Berkeley,
after training off and on at the seminary for 13 years.
The seminary is called the Berkeley Psychic Institute, and while I’m not going to be teaching you how to fully develop your psychic capabilities
we are going to practice some of the exercises they teach,
to aid us in our efforts here at developing a better communication and understanding
of ourselves and our neighbors;
our earth, our time and our place in all this.
Mighty powers have created this wondrous paradise,
this heaven on earth we see with our eyes and adorn with our hands.
I believe that here is no higher motivation than creativity, and as artist’s and creatively inspired people we ARE the true God’s Among Men!
With that in mind, I present to you a spiritual concept devoid of contemporary nomenclature like “Allah Akbar”, “The Lord”, “ Our Savior” or “Om Shanti”, “shalom”, or “azza!” per se, though we may well use these words sometimes, since after all what can you say in place of Hallelulyah?!
YEE Haw just doesn’t quite do it,
if you know what I mean (chuckle).
We are not going to chant mantras,
or eat stale cardboard wafers, or drink Kool-Aid or anything though (lol)
understand that my spiritual presentations to you will be from the soul of an artist, yes, a minister, true too, but my foundations are really in Theosophy;
the Art of Religion (as opposed to TheoLOGY, the Science of Religion)…………….
In any case, the Theosophical platform espouses that all of man’s work (and forgive me ladies, women’s work too- in the future, may I say in advance that when I refer to 'Man' it most likely means Mankind in general, and not specifically man the gender….-in fact the Theosophical Society was established by a woman, so I better make that point clear or God knows what kind of lightening could strike me down right here, right now.
Now by all of Man’s work, I mean of course the miracles that we as a people create;
the writings,
the science,
the medicine,
the machinery and technology
the music and art,
theater and fashion,
the beauty-
AND by God,
I mean the power,
the life source,
the energy,
the insight and the humanity
which prevails through all of Humankinds various God figures.
Today I offer you a spiritual platform better suited to our needs today;
As free spirits,
we require a more open ended spiritual contract,
One less cluttered with performance requirements,
(yah, you get enough of those as it is)
One stripped of the useless incantations and lengthy paraphrases, verses or psalms, which just confuse the participant and lead him (or her) away from their original quest;
One as cutting edge and fast moving as each of you deems.
Meanwhile, we are going to embrace ALL God’s,
and all of the religions which follow them, and the people’s who believe them,
and use them as pillars of strength,
we are not going to deny any one
and I am not going to deny any one
their beliefs nor their God’s, merely ask that you leave them at home for the day so you may have a fresh viewpoint.
We're going to be;
thinking outside of the box and that is where you all need to be if you’re ever going to access the fresh new you of today and get rid of the stale old everybody else that’s been running your energy to date.
No matter which of your talents each of you is focusing upon,
the birthing of an idea and the skill to execute to fruition-
a vision born in the creative mind,
calls to task,
all of the energies and forces,
essences and resources
we can find
to meet the challenge to put forth a unique piece of creation,
be it a wonderful meal, a neatly mowed lawn, a turn of a phrase, a flourish of hand or an inspired burst of exhuberance.
Unique in time and source,
unique in spirit and passion,
any creation from the hand of the creator needs,
and uses,
the self same spark of genius which created the Universe,
and the practice of creation through all avenues
is equal to that of the Gods.